Tuesday, 12 August 2014

CIPR the Value of Social Media - Working out the ROI, Swindon

On Thursday 4 September at the Campanile Hotel in Swindon I will be talking at the Charted Institute of Public Relations event ‘The Value of Social Media - Working out the ROI’.

This speaking opportunity will allow me to demonstrate how I and the redheadPR team use social media and online content to enhance consumer engagement in variety of recent, successful PR campaigns.

It is always good to share knowledge and insight at these events. I’m a great advocate of social media and take time to convince my clients of its benefits. As an early adopter, I could see its potential to businesses from the early days of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+ etc. I’m looking forward to helping people better understand how the social media platforms can help them build their brands and online reputations.

The Value of Social Media - Working out the ROI takes place at the Campanile Hotel, Delta Business Park, Great Western Way, Swindon, on Thursday 4 September 2014 from 10:15am to 13:45pm. I would love it if could attend. Simply visit www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-value-of-social-media-working-out-the-roi-tickets-12253164545.